As of Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Hold'em Jackpot
$2-$4 & $3-$6 Limit: $16,900
$4-$8 Limit: $33,000
$8-$16 Limit: $40,000
$40 No-Limit: $13,900
$80 No-Limit: $17,800
$20-$40 w/ 1/2 Kill: $75,000
$100-$300 No-Limit: $40,000
$300-$1,000 No-Limit & $500 Unrestricted No-Limit: $32,800
7-CARD Stud / Stud HI/LO Jackpot
$1-$2 & $2-$4 Limit: $7,900
Omaha Jackpot
$4-$8 Limit: $11,200
Mexican Poker Jackpot
$2-$4 Limit: $18,100
$4-$8 Limit: $12,800
No-Limit: $15,800
$4-$8 Big "O": $17,850
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